Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Book Review: You are a Writer,Start Acting Like One

You Are A Writer (So Start Acting Like One)You Are A Writer by Jeff Goins

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is called, "You are a Writer, so Start
Acting like One."Jeff Goins an established writer shares his tips on creating the atmosphere and making it conducive to producing work and getting published. He has friendly words aimed at upcoming writers, showing them how to save themselves a lot of fruitless, unnecessary labor in the process of launching his or her career.The book was readable and held my interest.  I read it in one afternoon so it is a quick read....but the material is adequately covered--so brevity is not a vice.
If you are a writer, if you want to become a writer and if you have a niggling suspicion that you already ARE a writer but just need some guidance---then this book is what the editor ordered.
Thanks Jeff for sharing your secrets with us who lag behind and wonder what it takes to lag ahead.

View all my reviews

Another,BETTER Announcement

In my last post, I made a huge mistake.I assumed that having a career as a writer and having a blog where you share your heart for free are opposites and cannot coincide.  I was very wrong about that.
This blog is who I am...all of the flaws,inconsistencies, humor, struggles and pain.  All of it is me.  And I owe you, my readers, a continuing look into my mind and my art.

Not only that....I believe this is not a parasitic relationship but rather one of symbiosis. I help you--by diverting you, amusing you, giving you food for thought and allowing you glimpses into my mind and heart....and in return you help me by reflecting back to me, what has helped you most in my writing,  what is good....worthy...and plain old ridiculous.  And the fact that  you come back for more makes me feel really good.

Not only keep me writing.  Today I wrote something that I thought was pretty good. Normally I would have typed out my URL and gone to work putting thatarticle up here for you to enjoy. But because of my announcement the other day that I was shutting down the blog, the only place I had for that baby I'd delivered was a folder in my documents file.  And that made me sad....I LIKE sharing my thoughts with you.   And no, it does not immediately pay financially. But if I start working a little harder and putting together more articles...well then, when they are published I will alert you and you can go and read them or buy them....

It's important for a writer to have connections with a group of people to follow their work. And even if there is no one reading this...I still benefit by keeping the words and thoughts flowing.  So me me impetuous, call me what you like....I cannot abandon this blog. For too many years it has been a part of my life...I cannot simply walk away from that --or from you.

So please forgive me for not thinking my decision out well enough before broadcasting it.  I realize this is a bit embarrassing.   Please keep on reading. And I will keep on writing.  Someday the financial rewards may come. If not; there will just be this blog covering 5 or 6 years of my life taking up this little corner of cyberspace saying to all the world, like graffiti on a cliff.  "Cynthia was Here!"

Monday, January 20, 2014

An Announcement

I know.I know.
Two posts in a day.There certainly is such a thing as "too much Cynthia"....But I've been thinking of some fairly serious issues in terms of this  blog and my future as a writer.
1) My readership is down.I was getting about 200 hits a day and now am down to around 25. And while I love all of you who have bothered to journey with me these past few years,I have been thinking hard about my future as a writer. My heart's desire is to write articles based on Scripture and well, just LIFE....kind of like what I've been doing in this blog, however there is one small difference. I want to try to write for pay.

2) I have ordered the 2014 Christian Writer's Market.I had bought it once before (the then current year, bought toward Fall of the year....) and I never really opened it like...ever.  This year I want to try to change that.

3) I know that writing is a skill that must be educated and honed....and I've never done that--I'm flying by the seat of my pants. Having an excellent vocabulary and recalling very much of the grammar studies in my College English, has helped me greatly. I've done a lot of writing by request however it has all been pro bono.This shows me that I do have something people want.I just need to get hooked up to someone who would be willing to pay for these words of mine. I love to teach and discuss Bible and find that my perspective as a woman with enormous medical challenges, throws a twist on my words that can be helpful to some people.  I am forced to lean HARD on the arms of Jesus...And this lends a depth and a certain slant to my writing.

I love reading and writing nonfiction.  My heros are Randy Alcorn, John Piper, Francis Chan....notice there is not a woman among them.  And that is because God gave me a male brain.  My best friends have always been males and I love nothing better than to sit and hash out the current contents on our brains.

While I love tea and sharing it with my women friends....I am always eager to get on with the prayer and I have pretty much given up on talking theology with any of them.  That's  okay....they do many other things that I have no interest or skill in.

Years ago I taught a ladies Bible study and I went in there with the goal of showing these women that they have brains and that God expects them to use them.  We read Pursuing God;works by Tozer;and Jerry Bridges and Richard Foster (another favorite) as well as Calvin Miller. Well the idea caught on--to my delight, we had lively DEEP discussions.No "Bad Girls of the Bible" for us (my apologies to the author of Bad Girls, I just feel that there is such slim pickings for women who want to think that in any Bible Study for Women you can pretty much predict which books will be read.

So sorry...I took off on a tangent.My original point being that I would like to write and think in a manner that could be enjoyed by both sexes. (well, I think women authors DO sometimes have an advantage in the artistic portion of the craft....WITH the notable of Calvin Miller who writes just beautifully. This year I discovered a woman who knows how to think and who has a poet's soul....The author of 1000 Gifts.  Ann Voskamp. If I could come anywhere near this mighty woman of God I would die a happy woman.

What do all of these people on this list share in common?  They have a heart that pants after God and a brain that,instead of getting in their way, helps them to soar.

There was something I learned as a painter years ago. Paintings either need to be meticulous in detail--or they need to exult in the medium, not guided by the subject,but guided by their vision and recording it with JOY in the medium. The looser I painted the better my message came through.  There have been times (some of which exist in my manuscript memoir) when I let my love for the words guide me...I expanded my "palette" to the nth degree...I selected each word with the care of a person examining an engagement ring for their beloved.

I will try to update you as hopefully I will have some notice of upcoming publications or,hopefully not, new word on my physical status.

Tomorrow I'm going to the hospital to have a Total Right Shoulder Replacement. It's quite a risk....should  I develop infection, I could lose my arm.  So please pray for me.
So yes, you heard me right....this blog is going to be updated only sporadically. It's been a great7 years writing for you. Vaya con Dios.

Back to the O.R.

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow--not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love.
~ Romans 8:38, NLT

That was my "daily verse" from KLOVE radio this morning. God SO knew what I needed to hear.

Tomorrow I am having my shoulder replaced...It is a major surgery....supposedly the most painful and the one that takes the longest to heal from.  I am quite nervous about it....I've been this close to the surgery once before--and canceled it as my house was in furor and I had to take care of my  family...I knew they would not be willing to care for me. This time around I don't think I'm in any better shape as far as my family is concerned....I cannnot really count on them to help which could be really catastrophic. I will need to remember the doctor's instructions  ---which involve NO MOVEMENT of the arm for 6 weeks....and then for the 6 weeks after that,doing just what the PT tells me to do.

I don't know HOW I'm going to get dressed or cook...I've made no prep this time by freezing foods. I think we will just have to live on frozen dinners.   And maybe some of the people will be able to bring in food.I may be going to rehab first...I hope would be good to be waited on to some degree: fed having help getting changed.

All of you,my friends who visit this website: If you know Jesus as your Lord, please pray for me. I know God will get me through it,but I do anticipate that it will be a rocky road (and I do NOT mean an ice cream flavor!)

I'm on steroids now....This is my 5th day on them and I am finally coming out of that nasty flare  I've been struggling with for two weeks. They have not completely removed the pain, but  it  is much more bearable.

When  I think of all the surgeries in my future, it is easy to become frightened or discouraged. I have to learn to just get through today.  What is it that Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount:  "Do not worry about tomorrow, ....for each day has enough  trouble of it's own.  Your Father takes care of the birds of the air,and how much more valuable are you than them.  Your Father knows  your needs and He will take care of you."  (Granted, that was a loose paraphrase....but I did not change the meaning of the text).

Well,my friends,I need to get packing and get into the shower.  I will have my tablet in the hospital and I think I can operate it with one hand...I will try to keep this blog updated
Keep praying for me.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Prayer: what,how and why? A book review

Does Prayer Change Things? (Crucial Questions, #3)Does Prayer Change Things? by R.C. Sproul

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is short but powerful book written by one of the most respected minister/'teachers in our day.  RC Sproul in this book gives much information about what we should pray for, how we should pray. What kind of results can we expect and what things need to be present or absent in us when we approach our Maker in prayer. Why are some prayers answered and others go seemingly ignored.

My favorite chapter is the one where RC blows apart some of the viral spreading of misinformation regarding God and our prayers for healing. 

This is a quick read but it thoroughly covers what we need to know in order to pray, appropriately, effectively, constantly and in such a manner that elevates God to the place he occupies in the universe and then to our hearts to make sure there is congruency there between what should be and what IS.

Only then are we qualified to pray and to expect to hear from God in return. Then we can pray with a knowledge of God's will and our prayers will be effective and powerful....just as we exalt the King of Kings and acknowledge that "all good things come to us from the Father of Lights who does not change with shifting shadows."

I highly recommend this book. I do not know if it is still in print but it is available on the Kindle for a minimal price (possibly free)

View all my reviews

Saturday, January 11, 2014


The air was warm
The sky, pure blue.
God you must know
I'm so angry at you.
Breathing is effort;
Sleep,  a bust...
The Voices in my head
Have to go--
       ---   They must.
Shattered hither and yon
No one wants someone
............this far gone.
Doctors promise respite
Contained in their colored caps
But I find no relief
Except my dog in my lap.
"Oh God!!" This too, a  ghost,
Mine lies murdered, buried
God knows the innermost :
My bloody secret go tell
Give her just one message
Then escort me gently
To the door marked, "Hell"

This poem is based on a potent recollection I had this evening.
Not the happiest time.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Tears of Loss

I am so unhappy.
I just suffered a huge loss.
Because I did not realize that the Amazon App works differently from the Amazon on my computer,I called up the help desk thinking someone had ordered a bunch of stuff that I did not buy.

Ok maybe I was dumb.

But you know what?  the Amazon "specialist" was dumber than I because he didn't recognize my error....and set my Kindle Fire back to its factory settings. Losing permanently a series of articles...and the only one that remains is yesterday's post on this website.  All my notes from my devotions since Christmas are GONE. I pray that somehow they will do some work in my spirit...even though now I don't recall a single one of them.

I could cry.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Covenant and Ministry

2 Corinthians 3:2-6
He has enabled us to be ministers of His new covenant This is a covenant not of written laws, but of the spirit. The old written covenant ends in death; but under the new covenant,
the spirit gives life.

"Covenant"means an agreement between two parties. The word in Hebrew, "berith" means "cutting" which is how covenents were made. Animals were cut in half and the person making the covenant walks between the halves of the animals.   This is the type of covenant God made with Abraham.

What does it mean to "watch" in prayer. At first I thought it means "watch God work" . But now I think it is the watch of a sentry. The Watches of the night refers to the expanse of the sentries' duty. We are to act as guardians of the Lord's interests....As such, we should have a working knowledge of current events.
A watchman must be intimately familiar with his assigned area.Do you have a place or persons whom God has assigned to you?  Is there some topic that beats on the door of your heart, there some person or topic that you feel heaviness over?

When you feel those pangs don't ignore them. Pray right there...and don't stop there...write it down.  I keep a pad of paper on me for that and I have an app on my tablet called, "prayer warrior" soon as possible, I enter that info..if you are blessed with an iPhone, you can enter it immediately.

Some suggestions:
Do not promise to pray for every Tom, Dick,and ,Harry..God has other people assigned to them.

Keep your list moderately short. If you find it getting too long, break it in half and maybe pray the other half later

Ask for updates on your list ...If it is a current event, like the typhoon in the Philippines, do research...and do not rely on one source like ABC News. Check your sources and make sure you're not getting biased information.

Sometimes God will impress on you to do more..give money, provisions, invite them to your home, babysit,  Be creative . But be sure you have been guided by God and watch out for scams. It is So important to be, wise as a serpent and as harmless as doves.
In Greek, covenant is:_"diathekev".Because God is called on to witness, it is a most serious agreement

Minister. "Meshereth." An attendant to the master. A position of some Joshua was to Moses.
It can also refer to attendants in regal court or to priests before God

In this passage the word is "diakonos"a minister or servant of the gospel. As we saw the position is important, serious and requires enabling. God had distributed this ability to Paul and to us as well.

What does this service look like? It is of the spirit...intangible,, but powerful to change us and others. It must result in life rather than condemning to death. We must take our position most seriously....after all we represent God and his path to life to those who live.

The written text (law) brings death..the law (of the new covenant ) that is lived out exudes glory...the glory doesn't fade like the glory on Moses' face..that is why the new covenant surpasses the written law.   This law (new covenant) must be lived out and be evident in us and it must speak freedom to those who see us.

All in all this short passage of Scripture contains a wallop of information. Our responsibility is great but oh how exciting to go to battle with the Lord of Lords right at our sides...and it is not only outer battling.  Our wicked hearts must be kept in check
And we are priests ministering and worshipping with the Spirit indwelling us
adventure you can imagine .

Saturday, January 4, 2014

God Love Us. He Does.Now it's our turn

God Love us.
He does. now it's our turn

Why do you keep on following the rules of the world Such as "....Don't taste, Don' t  touch !"   Such rules are mere human teaching about things that deteriorate as we use them. these rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial. But they provide no help in conquering a person's evil desires.

I have been out of the  loop regarding my weight for at least the past year and more likely two or three. Each week that passes I feel more and more helpless and more out of control...hating myself more and more. This verse threw some lights on in me.

 1)Diets don't work 

2) Spark people is good if you can move and exercise. Otherwise it leaves you hungry and completely obsessed. There is precious little room in my brain for GOD. The same goes with Dr Fuhrman. I have no doubt that his, claims are true....but it has to become your god  to work.

 3) Made,to Crave..she has a lot of good ideas...the trick is not to fall in love with Lysa but to fall in love with the one who died for me..and who allowed me to have asthma and RAD's.  It just might be true that I may be stuck in this body til I get to heaven. So that means that I've got to somehow come to terms with it and stop avoiding cameras and mirrors 

4)If I don't have a body that I'm yet able to's high time I start loving Jesus and stop avoiding him like a giant mirror.  He loves me just like I am and that should make me want to jump for joy. 

5) Part of the way I can stop obsessing about my to spend that time memorizing verses like these so I  have an arsenal when bad thoughts come creeping in. Also use that time to pray for others... or pray for myself , that God would give me a hunger for him  instead of a hungry body or sweet tooth.

 6) I believe that...just as Satan went after Jesus' hunger...he knows we are weak there also.  Idle hands are the devil's workshop. Are you craving something and praying isn't cutting it? Do  something....anything....clean your windows  and if you  work up an appetite....reward yourself....with something other than  food. If you REALLY are hungry....keep a  stockpile of fruit....and  go for it.
Suggestion: make flashcards on loving God and being satisfied in him. Look at the verse that says greed is idolatry. Yep the Bible really says that.  God isn't against brownies. ...but if you can't stop after one small one...there may be a problem . And if you are thinking "but I was HUNGRY" then begin a practice of packing emergency rations. Eat those before the brownie and you may find you don't need that brownie like you thought you did. The trick for me is to love my family by cooking healthy good meals and to love myself by finding short easy recipes to make. And while I'm cooking I can bring out my iHome and dance as I cook or do the dishes.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Shall we go to the Movies??

Once again the "movies" in my head are back.Just now Ihad one....I was watching a Jeep Cherokee sliding in the rain and slowly into a river...slowly filled with water....and suddenly I am the driver ofthe car and people are banging on the windshield with rocks trying to save me...I hear their muffled cries...and suddenly, once more, I am laying  on my bed at home in my room.

I have taken to posting pictures of myself for profile pix on Facebook and SparkPeople from years when I was skinny,crazy and beautiful.....don't want people to know I'm old and fat and gray.  So I found the perfect picture...actually my dad found it and mailed it to me.

Cigna,my insurance company recently started calling have a counselor to help me on the phone to maybe avoid another hospitalization...Today the counselor called their crisis team to talk to me also....Maureen called me today too. Yesterday she told me I don't seem well.It's very interesting to me how it is visible in my demeanor when I start seeing movies again.

Maybe it's the fact that I don't recall what day I took my last shower...and haven't changed clothes--not even to sleep for days.It used to be such a simple thing to pick out an outfit,shower every morning and get dressed and put on make up.I used to actually enjoy it. Now it is simply too hard and not worth the effort. Now it's true that if I'm going to a doctor, I will usually have bathed that day or the day before.  But with Maureen...I am somewhat less motivated....not in a bad way....simply that I am comfortable enough with  her not to have to be something I'm not.

If I'm going to have this surgery....then I need to stay out of the nut house.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Inevitable Resolves

Now,does the fact that I cannot recall a single one of my New Year's "Resolves"from last year only go to show you that calling them "Resolves"really doesn't make a stitch of difference in their longevity.  Well, I do recall that I aimed  to read the Bible in a year.  I did well for about 5 or 6 months and then missed three or four days which discouraged me....I should have just skipped that portion and then  picked it up....Instead I tried to catch up and got more and more behind....Finally I gave up.

Now I have the Bible Gateway app on my tablet so that may help me keep up....although I do like the feel of my Bible in my hands.  I will probably do a combination of both. I haven't looked at it carefully. I would like to do a different reading plan....I must have read the first half of the Bible ten times I only made it through the whole thing ONCE. That is terrible.  And what's even more terrible is the thought of reading through Numbers and Leviticus again.And what is even MORE terrible is my shame at the thought of my dreading reading a portion of God's precious Word.

OK.So that resolve will remain.
What else?
The most common resolution made--and the one most commonly broken--is to lose weight.  Maybe I can watch a Netflix movie on my tablet while  I bike.  There has to be some motivation to get me into my basement gym.However I am having shoulder replacement surgery on the 21st of this month. So I think honestly I should wait until I am fully recovered before I try working out. So we will skip this goal.

How about eating right?  Again,the surgery is going to be an impediment....unless I can get Alexa to help. At any rate....even if I have no way of cooking right I can at least not eat sweets and junk.And I can curb my portion sizes....and start using the smaller plate again. And I can make it a goal to eat 5 servings of fruit and veggies.

Another goal is to dedicate at least 15 minutes a day to prayer.And guess what?  There's an App for that!

And review past passages of Scripture that I've memorized and to learn some new ones.  Hand write the verses on the 4x6 cards and put them on a loop clip so I can continue to review them.

So my guess is that these are all the same ones that I had set for last year.

My last goal is concerning my finances. 1) Re-start a savings goal. 2)Give God His share.  I pretty much HAVE been tithing...but I want to be more mindful of it.I want to give God His share immediately. First Fruits....

So they say "Those who aim at nothing reach their goal"And "it is better to have aimed and failed than never to have aimed at all"

I may have aimed at too many things...I will focus on reading God's Word and prayer.Even if I only manage to stick to these two goals...that will be an accomplishment.

God bless your New Year....may he grant you the mindfulness and self discipline to make and reach your goals.